获悉,美国当地周二亚马逊云计算部门AWS周二遭遇大面积故障,导致仓库和送货工人以及亚马逊 Flex 服务的司机,他们无法访问 Flex 应用程序或 A to Z应用程序,仓库工人无法扫描包裹或访问送货路线,卡车服务商无法送仓。 导致该问题的根本原因是US-EAST-1地区的部分网络设备受损,但目前亚马逊表示还没有完全恢复的预计时间。 国外各大媒体纷纷报道 据部分货代通知:Amazon services godown 预约系统down机,做不预约,现有的约还没取消,电话也打不进去。请各位卖家知悉,有更新信息我们会第一时间告知! 亚马逊运营商中心通知: amazon Carrier Central Re equest Search carriercentralamazon.com Request Appointment-Carrier Central US Account Notifications Hello,Amazon is experiencinginter nal issues today,12/7/2021.Due to this, we are currently unable to receive and process trail ers arriving at our facilities. Inbound appointments currently so cheduled for delivery will be rescheduled for delivery at a later time. As our systems come back online! we will reschedule your delivery for the earliest available appointment time in FIFO order. 你的产品成功入库了吗? |
亚马逊VC帐号介绍Amazon Vendor Central是一个专为供应商设计的...详情